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Spending Christmas away from your loved ones

As I am writing this, I am on my way to my Dad’s house with my brother to spend Christmas with my family. I almost can’t believe it and I’ve had moments where I just stare into space, thinking to myself “oh my god, I’m actually going home for Christmas”. This is my first Christmas at home in 2 years - the first year I didn’t have enough time off from my retail job and Covid happened the following year.

I feel extremely lucky to be able to spend Christmas with my family this year because I know many people aren’t able to do so. I spent both Christmas and my birthday alone in my flat last year, video-calling my loved ones which was definitely an experience. Whether you celebrate Christmas or you aren’t too fussed about it, it’s good for the soul to spend time with your loved ones. So if, for whatever reason, you aren’t able to be around the people you love this holiday season, please know that I am sending you all of my love and a big hug. Here are some tips that helped me get through Christmas away from my family that I hope you will find useful.

Teams Christmas 2020

Video calls

While video calls are not the same as being with your loved ones in person, they’re still great for feeling less alone. Last year, my family set up a Teams call and sat the laptop at the head of the dining table so I felt like I was sitting with them. I cooked my Christmas dinner while we all had an aperitif, so even though I wasn’t in the room, I still felt like I was there.

That evening, we ate, drank, played games, opened presents and even took photos (see the photo above), all things we would normally do if we were all together - for about 7 hours in total, so we really spent the whole evening together. Even though it’s not the exact same, set up a video call with your loved ones and have fun!

Cards and presents

While presents are not the most important part of Christmas, many of us enjoy this giving season. Christmas cards are a sweet and easy way to send your best wishes to family and friends. While it might be a bit late for Christmas cards as I’m writing this, you can always send one for New Year’s! If you have presents for loved ones that you are not seeing, you can either send them by post or wait until you see them next. My family got theirs in July, lol.

Don’t feel pressured to buy gifts, though. I went all out last year and had some of the best gift ideas ever, but I couldn’t do the same this time around. I didn’t have enough time or money to really get anything, so I just got something small for a few people. And that’s okay too, because it’s the thought that counts. And really, having you in their life is the best gift they could ever get!

Christmas dinner

The food is the best part of Christmas, in my humble opinion. It’s the time of year to go all out and have things you might not normally have. My personal favourite is a cauliflower and broccoli bake with bechamel sauce. Could I make it all year round? Of course. But I don’t because it’s synonymous with Christmas for me.

Whatever your Christmas dinner traditions are, don’t feel like you must miss out just because you aren’t home. Make all your favourite treats, video call your family to help you make dishes you haven’t made before and play Christmas tunes. If you can’t go home for Christmas, bring the traditions to you!

Spend time with (new) friends

You are likely not the only one who isn’t able to go home this year. Ask your local friends if they are around and see if you can meet up with them for a Christmassy meal. Acquaintances or colleagues could also be there and happy to have you over for an evening of food and fun. It doesn’t have to be for Christmas dinner either, you can just meet up for a cup of tea or go for a walk - bonus points if you bring hot chocolate


Just a short post today as I’ll be spending time with my family, but I thought it was important to post something as I’ve not written anything in months. I’m looking forward to having some time off uni and work for a bit, but I will be back in the new year with (hopefully) more regular posts. I hope you have a very merry Christmas and if you are by yourself, please know my DMs are always open x

Yours truly,


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