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Hey, it's been a while...

Hello stranger! It feels weird being here after almost a year since my last post went out. I hope my writing hasn't become too rusty! Anyway, hello! Long time no see (that's entirely my fault, sorry!). Thank you so much for being here, I really appreciate it. I know I'm posting this on a day that isn't Sunday, which is weird, but I felt like this update was long overdue.

A young woman wearing a dark mint dress and graduation robe in front of Queen Margaret University

So, where have I been this past year? Well, I've been in my final year of university, writing a 10,000-word dissertation, graduating, job hunting and travelling. I'm currently writing to you from the beautiful and bustling city of Amsterdam, where I am staying with my brother. Tomorrow I'm heading to my next destination on my almost-four-weeks away, Frankfurt to see my Dad.

Needless to say, a lot has happened since I last wrote a blog post. The biggest event is, of course, graduating from uni with a first. If you've been here for a while, you'll know that I changed uni and course after 2 years. I'm really happy and proud that I was able to finish my 6-year undergrad journey on such a high. And no, I am not planning on doing any more studying, I'm done!

Since I handed in my last assignment back in April, I've been in this weird in-between phase of not being a student anymore and going into 'real' adult life. I have definitely felt a little lost on more than one occasion and job hunting has been a lot more draining than I (naively) thought it was going to be.

Hence my current trip. I had a big family reunion planned in Ireland for the beginning of August and was already going away for 10 days, so I decided to add to it and have a mini post-uni holiday before starting full-time employment. So, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Switzerland were added to the itinerary! I'll be going home at the end of August and will hopefully have a job lined up by then.

A few snapshots of my time in Ireland

Starting to write blog posts again has been on my list for months, but I think I needed more of a break after uni than I thought I would - especially after spending so much time on my laptop writing my dissertation! The last thing I wanted to do in my limited spare time was write even more words on my laptop.

I'm now feeling ready to come back to it, and while I can't commit to a certain amount of posts until I know what my work situation will be, it will be more than one post a year! Make sure to keep an eye out for posts in the future, either by subscribing to the newsletter below or by following me on Instagram.

If you have any topics you'd like me to write about, please do comment them down below or email me! Thanks for all your patience and I shall speak to you very soon.

Yours truly,


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