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Self-help books and podcasts

Sometimes we are feeling down and need some help to get back on our feet. That happened to me on two occasions in the last year and lasted weeks. I was not happy with who I was and did not know how I could possibly better myself and become more positive. But one day I woke up and decided that enough was enough. So I went to buy myself some “self-help” books. I had obviously heard a lot about these and knew many people that read them, but I had never given it a try myself.

I have since discovered that books and podcasts are a great way to grow, to leave a negative mindset that you find yourself stuck in and just generally feel better about your life. Now more than ever, it is so easy to find resources online. You can also check out various articles about the best self-help books out there, which give you a little summary and tell you what they are good for.

I wanted to work on myself and my unhappiness. My friend on the other hand, had some books to help her deal with anxiety. There are so many different kinds of books out there, so make sure you find the ones that will be useful to you. This is a guide to a few of the books and podcasts that have helped me and that I've enjoyed. You can use this list as a guide and as a starting point for finding your favourites!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels


You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, by Jen Sincero

This was the first book I found on my quest to sorting myself out, and oh my god! It is amazing. It's funny, relatable but most of all, it makes getting your shit together seem so much more attainable. I remember within days of starting to read it, I already felt so much better about myself. I literally bought a copy for my mum because this book is so good!

What I really love about this book is that it explains why we are the way we are. I find that knowing the root of the problem makes it so much easier to deal with with: whether it's money, relationships, your career or something else, You Are a Badass is going to help you figure out what it is that's holding you back.

Happy: the Journal, by Fearne Cotton

As you can tell from the title, this is a journal-type book. For every day of the year, there are different prompts or quotes and next to those, you can write something down - by drawing inspiration from what is written, or just using it as a normal journal. For each month, there is a different theme: January is all about new beginnings and setting goals, February deals with self-love and relationships, March focuses on the power we have to make choices, etc.

I think that writing things down can help a lot. I always had a journal growing up, but no matter how often I told myself that I would write in it everyday, I ended up going weeks, months, if not years without writing anything. Especially with technology, I sometimes just find myself writing my feelings into a note on my phone. I like that there is dates in this journal, it's easier to hold myself accountable and actually make an effort to write down a little something every night. And whether you like to use a pen and paper or make use of technology, writing down what you feel can help you process what is going on and how you want to move forward.

How to be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don't, by Lane Moore

I haven't actually come around to reading this book yet. I saw it in an article about must-read self-help books and thought it was exactly what I needed to help me fight loneliness. It's a collection of essays, each focusing on different situations in which loneliness can affect us.

I have read mixed reviews but I think it's worth a try. Dealing with loneliness is something I have and still struggle with, a lot. As someone who has never been in a relationship and grown up with divorced parents, I've always been used to dealing with things by myself. But I had a good group of friends so I didn't feel it as much in school. It's when I moved to a different country, where I didn't know anyone, that loneliness really started affecting me. I will dedicate a separate post to that however, because there is a lot to say.


The Debrief Podcast

This podcast is relatable and fun. Stevie and Tessa discuss issues that most young adults encounter, in a light-hearted way while also giving great advice. They cover almost any topic imaginable from flatmates and jealousy to how to figure out what you want to do with your life, quit smoking, be single, and so much more! Whatever you need advice for, I am certain you will something helpful on their podcast.

The Health Code

Some of you might know this podcast if you watch Sarah's Day on YouTube. I discovered her channel a couple of months ago and I'm obsessed with it! Sarah and her boyfriend Kurt discuss different topics regarding health, fitness and life in general. If you want to be more healthy, I strongly encourage you to listen to their podcast. And even if that isn't your main goal, they offer great advice on so many things that aren't directly linked to fitness and healthy eating. They keep it real and are just great fun to listen to, so grab your phones and your earphones, go out for a walk and listen to The Health Code!

Things You Can't Ask Yer Mum

I've stumbled upon this podcast a little while back and it's amazing. Also lead my two great women like the Debrief Podcast, this one is almost more intimate. Lizzy and Lindsay discuss relationships, love, sex, but also more difficult subjects such as grief. They have very good advice and almost feel like older sisters, helping you out with things you might not be comfortable asking your friends or family about.


I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any recommendations of your own, comment them down below! Thank you so much if you've read this far. See you next week!

Yours truly,


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