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Fun things to do with your friends this summer

Summer is synonymous with having fun with your friends. Not that you can’t have fun with them the rest of the year, but there’s just something about the longer, warmer days that makes you want to be outside, having fun.

When you’re young, you don’t need much to spend time with your friends: there are no jobs or commitments to worry about (for the most part), you likely all live near one another, you have your usual hangout areas (the shopping centre, the beach, the park, the town centre, etc.). But the older you get, the harder it becomes to find a time and place to meet because your friends are always available on days when you aren’t.

It might take a bit more effort when you enter adulthood and have a lot more to worry about. But I find that this makes meeting up even more special. When the days are longer, we tend to have more energy and drive to do things - such as meet up with friends after work. The summer also opens up many possibilities for activities to do. Coming out of a year of lockdowns is also making everyone more eager to get out and do things outside of their homes. If you’re looking for some ideas on things to do with your friends this summer, I hope you find this list useful.

One of the many beautiful sunsets I witnessed while visiting my family in Frankfurt.

Go for a walk

This is probably how most of us saw our loved ones over the past year. Going for a walk is a great way to catch up, get some fresh air and get your dose of necessary human contact. The good thing about meeting up for a simple walk is that it requires minimal preparation. You really just need yourselves, a pair of shoes, maybe a coat, maybe a bottle of water, and you’re all set.

You can also choose to go for more of a scenic hike. There’s loads of information online and I’ve found AllTrails really helpful in finding starting points and information about walks. Your local council might also have a page or document dedicated to walks in the area. Don’t forget to bring water, snacks and whatever else you may need for your hike.

Have a day trip

Day trips are amazing. If you’ve got a car, it’s very easy. But don’t let your lack of vehicle get in the way of a good day trip. There is a large network of buses and trains in most places, so there is bound to be something there for you, it just takes a bit more effort to plan. A piece of advice I can give you: make sure you have a look at your journey home too, to avoid missing the last transport and being stuck for the night.

You can choose your destination based on what you would like to do: discovering a new city, going to the museum, visiting a botanical garden or nature park… The possibilities are pretty much endless. So get planning!

Go to the beach

Does anything say “summer” more than a trip to the beach? I have not personally been to the beach in years, but I remember how much fun it was with my cousins when I was growing up. Take drinks and snacks, towels or camping chairs, and don’t forget your hat and sunscreen! I’m sure we can all remember at least one painful sunburn we’ve had in our lives that we’d rather not repeat.

There are many ways to spend a day at the beach. You can read a book, go for a swim, play volleyball - or just throw around a ball if you’re not really adept at sports (no judgement here). If, like me, you’re not a fan of sand and its ability to get everywhere, here are a few tips: make sure you wear sandals (flip-flops are even better) and not trainers or socks. Have a separate (plastic) bag for things that will get covered in sand (towels, bathing suits, games). Make sure you shake out towels outside and rinse off whatever you can, including yourself, in the shower as soon as you get home.

Go out for a meal

Going out for a meal has got to be one of my favourite activities of all time. And no, it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I’m a shit cook. The whole experience of having drinks and chatting while you wait for your food, enjoying your food (hopefully) and having that moment of silence when everyone is enjoying theirs too. There are also so many cuisines you can choose from, depending on what you’re craving.

It’s probably one of the things I missed most during lockdown and I’m so happy to be able to eat out again. Getting takeaway is just not the same.

Attend (outdoor) shows

Going to the theatre or even the cinema is amazing. I’ve got tickets to go see The Nutcracker ballet in December and I cannot wait! I’m also going to an outdoor theatre performance at the end of July, Outdoor shows, when the weather is nice, are the perfect combination. It’s also really important to support the arts. So rather than have a night of watching Netflix, why not go down to your local theatre or cinema. I promise it’ll be way more memorable.

Have drinks, food or a BBQ in the garden

For the first time in my grown-up life, I have a garden! Incredibly exciting stuff, I know. So, a few months ago, I bought some garden furniture from IKEA and I have really been feeling like an adult whenever I sit outside. I’ve had friends over in the garden a few times, whether it was just for a drink or for dinner. And it was so much fun. If you also have a garden, be sure to make the most of it.

And if you don’t have a garden, you can either go to your friend’s who has a garden, or you could meet up in the park. Most cities and towns have nice green areas you can sit in and enjoy a picnic.

Card games

If you don’t already own a deck of cards, you should really go out and invest in one. There are so many games you can play with just one normal deck. I recently had a pizza night with a few friends and we played card and board games afterwards and it was the most fun and chaotic time I’ve had in so long. Here are a few of my favourite card games:

Board games

Board games are another fun way to spend an evening with your friends. There are so many to choose from so matter the mood or dynamic of the group, you’re sure to find something. I’m not going to tell you any more about board games because we’ve all played them before, but here is a list of some of my faves. I’ve also included “card games” that are, in my opinion, board games - even though there’s no board and you’re only holding cards.

  • Cards Against Humanity: incredibly fun and you might learn a thing or two about people. And, it’s always the quiet ones you need to look out for.

  • Dobble: stressful but also exhilarating. Even more fun after a couple of drinks and played in multiple languages.

  • Trivial Pursuit: this game will get your brain going, but will also be fun. I have, however, considered getting the child version as some of the questions are difficult!

  • Battleships: just make sure your opponent is not cheating and moving their boats to avoid your hits!

  • Uno: absolute classic, I don’t need to explain it.

  • Monopoly: though I must warn you that it can take hours and cause conflict!

  • Clue (or Cluedo for my European readers): who doesn’t love a murder mystery?

  • Taboo: how do you explain rollerskates without using the words “skates”, “in-line”, “helmet”, “wheels” and “feet”?? (Yes, I spent 20 minutes Googling Taboo cards until I found a decent one for this example)

Things to keep in mind

  • Check the weather! Nothing like torrential rain to ruin a picnic - or make it more memorable?

  • Choose the location wisely. Make sure you don’t choose a beach that is known for sharks.

  • Make sure the game you choose suits your friend group. We all love a bit of drama, but not when it becomes too intense - or worse, political.

  • Don’t forget about your long-distance friends. FaceTime is great for chatting, playing games or listening to music. (Wee shoutout to my long-distance friends: Jane - thanks for being my biggest cheerleader - and Alex - for the longest and most random FaceTime calls).

  • Enjoy the long days. Unfortunately, the days are already getting shorter.

  • Have fun and be in the moment. Notice the colours of the sky, the birds, the sounds. And don't take yourself too seriously!


Sorry for the delay in posting. I went away for two weeks to see my family and it was bliss. I hope this post gives you some inspiration for things to do with your friends and/or family this summer. The past year has been difficult for all of us, so spend time with your loved ones and take care of yourself. Thanks for reading this far and I will see you soon!

Yours truly,


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